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Sports Teams

Join in.
Whether it's your first time playing or you're a seasoned pro, all abilities are welcome and encouraged to join the community of Langwith sport.  All sports captains will be available to talk to at the college Fresher’s fair.



Interested in getting involved? 
Just drop down your name and email and the captain will get back to you with training times. All abilities welcome!

Men's Football (3 teams)

Hey I'm Marcus Campbell, the first team football captain. We have a strong first team and two further teams catering to all abilities. Louis Pegg 2nds Captain, Errol Waters 3rds Captain

Women's Football

Ruby Callister Captain & Katie Vaughan Vice captain, Women's football is one of the college's most successful teams, and the only college sport team in the entire university across all sports to go unbetaten last season.

Netball (2 teams)

Emily Jamieson captain Olivia Rose Batty vice captain, the college has 2 teams that compete weekly against the seven other colleges each term.

Badminton (Mixed)

Sarah Howarth & Al Qasyaff Zainal Captains, badminton was one of two sports in which Langwith won the University league last year, and play both individual and team games against other colleges.

Squash (Mixed)

Sam 'optimus' prime Captain, the  Squash team consists weekly of 5 guys and 3 girls, who play matches against other colleges, with a rotating squad to ensure everyone who wants to be involved gets a game. Sam Prime won captain of the year last year.

Hockey (2 teams, mixed)

Fiona Kingwill 1st team captain, hockey is one of the most exciting and involved sports in the college, and play in both the University league and the Hockey college cup in summer term. Teams are mixed of boys and girls, and anyone is welcome to get involved

Basketball (Mixed)

Philip Jung Captain,  basketball has taken off this year and is fast becoming one of the most popular sports in the college.

Tennis (Mixed)

Andrew Grange Captain, tennis is one of the stronger sports of the college, and everyone is welcome to join the team. 

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Pool (2 teams, mixed)

Ben Silverstein Captain, the pool team has a great community spirit, conducting free training sessions on a Monday evening in the glasshouse, followed by hotly contested and banter-filled matches against other colleges every Thursday.

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Darts (Mixed)

Steph Reddell Captain, the darts team competes every tuesday and has possible the most rotating team in the college, with everyone welcome to come down, grab a drink and try to score a triple-twenty against other colleges. The team consists of guys and girls.

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Mens & Women's Rugby

Lee 'D-train' Cook Captain, the college play Rugby jointly with Goodricke college as 'Goodwith', and are fast improving ,despite a defeat of 100-0 last season. 'We may not be the best team, but certainly have the most fun' is one of the quotes of the season from Langwith Rugby players.

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Table Tennis (Mixed)

Mike Dunnett Stone, Captain, Table tennis is played periodically through the year, with training in the Goodricke JCR and games played occasionally against other colleges.

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Tom Rudden & Romit Patel, Captains, the college cricket season really takes off in the summer term, where Langwith defeats most opponents from other colleges, while having great fun at the same time.

Rounders (Mixed)

Kelly Reed Captain, rounders is one of the most involved sports in the college, played in the summer term the college didn't lose a game last season ,with a strong mixed team of girls and guys coming together on sunny-days and with live music to have a game.

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