Your Housing Options
There's a huge range of accommodation options for you.
Don't panic. If you are looking for somewhere to live, York has a surplus of accommodation. This means you don't have to fight for somewhere to live, and there is plenty of top-quality choices out there.
For up-to-date information about your housing options, head over to the Student Support Hub website.
Your Housing Options
University Accommodation in Langwith College. Owned and managed by the university, there are are range of options available. Find out more here.
Private-Sector Agencies offer a range of private houses close to the University. Some local agencies include:
​The University's Private Sector List showcases dozens of approved properties and is released each year, normally at the beginning of February.
Top Tips
If you are a first year looking for second year housing, there is no need to panic. You have until at least Term 2 before you have to do anything.
Keep an eye out for accommodation talks - they are super useful at explaining all the options open to you.
If you are looking for people to share a property with, we organise find-a-housemate events every year. You can also searh for Facebook Groups where people advertise spare rooms.
There are plenty of people who can offer advice and support when it comes to looking for housing. They include:
The Student Support Hub, run by the University and staffed by professional housing advisors.
The YUSU Advice and Support Centre
Our own Welfare Officers.