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Your Housing Options

There's a huge range of accommodation options for you.


Don't panic. If you are looking for somewhere to live, York has a surplus of accommodation. This means you don't have to fight for somewhere to live, and there is plenty of top-quality choices out there.

For up-to-date information about your housing options, head over to the Student Support Hub website.





Your Housing Options


  • University Accommodation in Langwith College. Owned and managed by the university, there are are range of options available. Find out more here.


  • Private-Sector Agencies offer a range of private houses close to the University. Some local agencies include:

  • ​The University's Private Sector List showcases dozens of approved properties and is released each year, normally at the beginning of February.




Top Tips



  • If you are a first year looking for second year housing, there is no need to panic. You have until at least Term 2 before you have to do anything.

  • Keep an eye out for accommodation talks - they are super useful at explaining all the options open to you.

  • If you are looking for people to share a property with, we organise find-a-housemate events every year. You can also searh for Facebook Groups where people advertise spare rooms.

  • There are plenty of people who can offer advice and support when it comes to looking for housing. They include:







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